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The City of Round Rock: Using eURLs and ArcGIS Dashboards to Visualize Data

The City of Round Rock, Texas, serves a population of 135,000 people. Like most communities this size, they receive a steady amount of resident-submitted service requests. The city has employed the use of Trimble Cityworks eURLs, ArcGIS dashboards, and dynamic maps to visualize and organize service request data.

Residents of Round Rock can submit service requests through a mobile app (RRTX Mobile) that was created by the city. All of the data from this app is populated in Trimble Cityworks where it can then be visualized in ArcGIS, by creating saved searches and generating eURLs.

The creation of web maps and dashboards within ArcGIS has allowed the City of Round Rock to analyze and filter service request data by type, cost, status, date submitted, and more. The city has set up bivariate maps and dynamic pie charts to organize data by color and size—allowing data to be easily interpreted.

Watch the City of Round Rock’s Converge User Summit presentation to find out how your community can leverage the use of Trimble Cityworks, eURLs, and ArcGIS dashboards to visualize data.