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5 Ways Tualatin Valley Water District Streamlined their Water Quality Sampling with Trimble Cityworks

The Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) has been tasked with collecting water quality samples at approximately 170 different locations.

Before implementing Trimble Cityworks, water quality collections, lab submissions, and chain of custody workflows were inefficient and overly complicated. Data was manually entered on individual spreadsheets and the sample submission process required all the individual sample data to be merged into one spreadsheet and sent off to the lab.

TVWD radically simplified this process by implementing Trimble Cityworks and Esri ArcGIS to collect and submit their water quality data. Here are 5 tools that TVWD uses to streamline their workflows:

1. Dashboards

A dashboard allows for easy access to current work order, inspection, and sample data.

2. Recurring Work Orders

TVWD organizes their sampling workflows through the creation of recurring weekly work orders. These work orders include all the collection stations and hydrants that need to be sampled.

3. Auto-Created Inspections

Inspection forms are automatically created and coincide with their respective work orders. This simplifies the inspection process and ensures accuracy.

4. Trimble Cityworks Mobile

Using the Trimble Cityworks mobile app allows for ease of use and data collection in the field. TVWD has this solution set up to display only sample stations that require water quality collection.

5. Combination of Data in a Macro-Enable Excel Spreadsheet

TVWD has set up a process where sample data can easily be exported onto a macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet that is sent out to the lab via email.

The adoption of Trimble Cityworks, GIS, and the creation of new workflows has transformed TVWD’s water quality sampling and lab submission processes. This has not only saved them money and time, but it has also increased the accuracy of reports and has allowed them to better leverage their data. To hear the full story, watch TVWD’s Converge User Summit presentation: