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The Problem with Auditors

Auditors – what’s their problem? Always requesting tons of information to validate processes, controls, risks, compliance – and that’s just on the capital construction side. As if these requests weren’t troublesome enough, they expect this information within a couple of hours – really?

Based on hundreds of conversations we’ve had with facility owners, this is an unrealistic expectation. Anyone managing ongoing construction and renovation projects the traditional method – spreadsheets, email, FTP sites – knows that to get an up-to-date program status report will take weeks. This is how long it takes to contact all the project managers, compile their information, insert into a master spreadsheet, and format the data into a format that users can digest.

So we would like to ask auditors to have a heart. Take it easy next time you conduct an audit. The information is there. You may just have to wait a little while to get it.

PS – there’s a better way…