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4 Ways GIS Intelligence is Empowering Communities to Manage their Infrastructure

Geographic information system (GIS) technology is an amazing tool that allows us to gather, analyze, and visualize geographic data, which in turn creates healthier and more sustainable communities.

Without GIS—more specifically Esri’s ArcGIS—the Trimble Cityworks platform would not be a possibility. Our goal has always been to empower GIS intelligence to help communities manage their public infrastructure and build a more sustainable and successful future for their residents.

Here are four examples of how communities are currently benefiting from the use of ArcGIS and how GIS as a whole is helping to build a more sustainable and data-oriented future. 

How GIS-Centric Smart Technology Is Transforming Our World

This presentation, given by Damian Spandgrud, director of solutions at Esri, was part of the 2019 Cityworks Conference. It explores the importance of GIS mapping and geospatial infrastructure and how they are solving problems, enhancing data intelligence, and changing our communities and the world for the better.

Celina, TX: Utilizing GIS to Promote and Plan for the Future

In this October 2021 Converge User Summit presentation, the City of Celina, Texas, shares how the implementation of GIS and Trimble Cityworks has enhanced their asset management, improved their workflows, and allowed them to manage their data.

Cityworks Customer: Charlotte, North Carolina – Cityworks GIS Centric Platform

The City of Charlotte is using GIS to help track a wide variety of public assets and infrastructure. Trimble Cityworks and ArcGIS have allowed them to manage their service requests, work orders, inspection data, and more in a real-time GIS-centric context, making it easier for them to keep their community safe and sustainable.

Esri: Geo-Enabling Asset Management with Modern GIS

Matt Piper, the global industry director of utilities, water, and AEC at Esri discusses the importance of modern GIS and how it is transforming the management, analysis, and visualization of public assets. This November 2020 Converge presentation focuses on the use of GIS to manage water infrastructure.